Like many homeowners, you may want to postpone installing a new heating system until your old one completely stops working. Unfortunately, as your already outdated system ages, its efficiency and safety will slowly decrease. To preserve your family’s seasonal comfort, consider a heating replacement when you notice any of the signs listed below.

Frequent Repairs

Even with routine expert heating maintenance, older heating systems are still at a high risk of needing regular repairs. It’s not unusual to place a service call every couple of years on a system that performs optimally. However, if you need repairs every few months, your system may be heading toward the end of its lifespan. You could spend more on service calls than on a total system replacement.

Uneven Heating or Low Heat

Another warning sign to watch for is changes in your system’s heating output. You may notice it short cycling or not turning on frequently enough. These issues often come with changes in your indoor comfort, such as inconsistent heating or hot and cold spots. Unfortunately, persistently irregular cycles can quickly impact your utility bills, steadily increasing your costs during the winter.

Unusual Noises or Odors

Don’t ignore loud screeching, banging, grinding, or whining sounds coming from your heating system. When you hear these noises, vital parts like the heat exchanger or blower motor may be malfunctioning. Burning, chemical, or sulfuric odors are also troublesome red flags. For example, if you have a combustion heater, a rotten egg smell could mean a gas leak.

Premier Heating and Cooling Company

Big Fish Cooling & Heating is a superior heating and cooling company in Lumberton, TX and the surrounding communities. We uphold strong family values, which is why we always provide fair pricing and exceptional indoor comfort solutions. Our experienced technicians offer central HVAC, ductless system, heat pump, indoor air quality, and duct services. We perform installations, repairs, and tune-ups on these aspects of your HVAC system. Call today to ask about our free service estimates in Lumberton!

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